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22 January 2025 in Latest news

Websplain Wednesday

Over the years, Fortnite has become a household name in the gaming community. It was one of the first titles in the ‘battle royale’ subgenre, where players are thrown into…
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Our intention is for all of our pupils to have an active contribution towards decision making in school whilst developing their understanding of democracy. This includes making suggestions about school improvement and working with the senior leadership and parent leadership teams to contribute towards future planning.


The Junior Leadership Team is implemented in two ways. Each year pupils in year 5 will apply for the position of head griffins and house captains. This involves writing a letter of application to the head of school and delivering a talk or presentation to the whole school about why they should be chosen. Secondly, at the start of the academic year, each class will appoint a representative to serve on the Junior Leadership Team. This involves bringing suggestions from their class to meetings and giving feedback to the class about what has been discussed and/or decided.

The Junior Leadership Team have already had large impact on the current direction of the school. Within the last academic year they have led on whole school initiatives such as choosing our new house names and redeveloping our school values. Through suggestions made by the Junior Leadership Team, we have also started a break time tuck trolley and purchased bike racks to encourage more children to cycle to school.

Junior Leadership Team 2024/25

Proud Traditions | Wide Horizons | High Achievement
